Saturday, July 19, 2008

girl feature falls

girl feature falls

because many requests, although ever discussed a little at posting this, so ok likely when do i soon launching several notes less important hitting when naksir guy. but previous, i want to congratulate and successful for friend morca alias egg, former colleague, friend sekamar ever on the quite make indignity with mysterious somebody at bath tub a hotel at city medan… because this unfortunate man is new finishes study s2- at indonesia university! ! ! horeeeee! ! ! morcaaaa… i so proud in merimu. although many my shames whom you save, obvious you are friend permanent dudul clever academically. although always fail in love affairs, obvious you proper permanent mengidolai (word under line request ‘idola’ yes sodara-sodara…). make readers blog this, if there that intend with man single bleed manado-jawa berperawa like egg but kind-hearted although the mouth razor blade, please lho berkorespondensi direct. or can pass me, with note there commitee tentu… bwaaaahahkahakhakhakhakk! ! !


to mans even also angered is howing woman whimp behavior that being bumped into cinta… next several points penjabarannya…

1. sudden dress up
girl the name, usually doyan dress up. only usually kalo again fall in love, the attire likes rather ‘lebih’. usually caw likes pake eyeshadow begin pake although thin. even so boyish, when falling cinta… sudden soing to care also same appearance. i am formerly has temen tomboywati abis-abisan. when does he fall in love, of course doesn't as transsexual, but sudden bring lipgloss everywhere. time menanya, like this the answer: “bibir i now often dry. ” aeh. iya deh. besides lip gloss, the boyish this fragrant sudden although caw the perfume choice far from masculine perfumery. when menanya, the answer: “ah, dapet lungsuran from elder brother gue…” iya deh.

2. caw doyan eat
makanpun not enak… sleep me even also not nyenyaaakkk… aiiiihhh… bener banget word hedi yunus. woman again fall in love usually ga doyan eat. usually sepiring aja still to want nambah, kalo again mehe usually new eat a mouthful udah say ‘kenyang’. why? this matter is usually is pushed by physical factor shaped perfect sick taste often emerges at stomach part. kalo the english language is known with term ‘butterflies’. usually not the passion eats this emerge moment eat both the kecengan, or again nunggu telephone or sms the kecengan. hayah.

3. effeminate sudden curhat
well. curhat-curhatan this is not only to temen, but also to kecengan. kalo to temen, i still problem caw. but curhat to kecengan, this big wrong. one: that is countrified, two: bo plis deeh, belom so darling udah curhat macem. caw asik. possible make the guy delivers. and the effeminate curhat this usually consider sudden clairvoyant the friends can give when be given question like this: “bo, a while ago kan he sayed ‘besok i telpon deh ya’. that mean to what yes bo? follow lo he likes to what enggak yes same i? ” ha.

4. diligent sudden sms
this is mah same aja same guy. but sms that sent girl usually more subtle like: “eh, at home i am rain. at home you are caw rain? ” usually sih want it membales with: “hujan juga… romantic yes, make me miss same kamu…” but answer usually accepted: “enggak tuh. ” or: “ujan also. ” unfortunate short answers like this usually make the girl so to grumble angrily self and direct bermetamorfosis be being that spelled out at third point.

5. sensitive sudden
meant by the run sensitive adalah… so easy nangis, easy offended, panic easy and angry easy. easy nangis because worry wrong posed in front of the kecengan, easy offended kalo there that say “ah, he is mah usually aja again same lo…”, panic easy kalo wrong costume in front of the kecengan and angry easy kalo obvious the kecengan has showed indication has darling or kecengan other not self. if there temen again enter phase ‘gampangan’ ini… whew, resolute aja deh. also again fall cinta… the name

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